Sunday, May 15, 2016

21st Century High Technology Inventions - Future Technology

21st Century High Technology Inventions - Future Technology
Image by © Oktokopter - Creative Commons Attribution - via flickr
Wall sized Television, a car that runs on processed C-one and army of robotic soldiers, our space luxury resorts and human side boards, no it's not a movie as we race into the near future to see where fantasy becomes fact.

Welcome to the year 2060 as you'll notice the world has changed quite dramatically in the past 50 years, several things are bigger, world's tallest skyscraper 1/2 mile in high but most things are smaller. Nano-tech medicines cure all forms of cancer, some things are faster hyper-sonic flight from New York to Tokyo takes two hours, while other things last longer average human life span 125 years. Of course these are just predictions, will they ever be reality? What technologies today will revolutionize tomorrow's personal transportation, by onyx, warfare, home entertainment and space exploration and why bother even trying to predict what's coming. Forecasting the future is very important in a couple of levels, if you can't anticipate what's going to happen you're going to be stuck reacting to what's happening. A good place to start on your road trip into the future is on the road.

Superior Technology of Ancient Egypt Civilization

Superior Technology of Ancient Egypt Civilization
Image by © Lars Larsson - Creative Commons Attribution - via flickr
We are accustomed to our own technology and find it difficult to recognize that the ancients may have had sophisticated technology of their own, since the technology of the ancients is not obvious to us are we looking in the wrong place? Could it be that they had power systems but they were entirely different from ours today?

Looking at the architecture of structures from ancient Egypt stimulates a sense of wonder, clearly Egyptian monuments rival the grand hear about most modern buildings today, yet we are taught to believe that we are the ones with knowledge on high technology something the ancients could not possibly have had. As long as we think the agents weren't able to use high technology then we're not looking for and yet the evidence is right in front of our eyes.
A lot of people are trying to figure out why mankind built structures out of those huge regular stones, we don't even know how to move 200-300 ton stones very well today let alone 4000-5000 years ago.
I started looking at megalithic structures from an electromagnetic point of view and sure enough i began to find that there were these energies, their presence measurable forces, strange things happens sometimes circumcised those are clues that the physics we learned in school was everything.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

History of the Computer Architecture

Image by © kev-shine - Creative Commons Attribution - via flickr
In the world we know today Computers are used for multitude of purposes, in by a multitude of people, they're capable of fascinating things that is down the mine. Well it seemed unimaginable happening but now is customary for our society, since computers are commonly found in those households now, they're severely taken for granted.
Computers however have affected the outcome of many important things throughout history and they now affect the lives of everyone on earth.

Computers are made of many different parts that all work together in unison, the input and output functions of the computer are basically the communication between your computer and your self.
The inputs are what you sent into the computer the data is then received by the computer and processed, once the data is processed it is an output that back to the user through the use of some device such as a monitor, the central processing unit or better known as CPU is the integrated circuitry that is inside a computer and performs instructions of the computer program by completing arithmetic logic control and input and output on. Random Access Memory or RAM is a type of data storage for your computer, RAM allows data to be read and written. Ram is a type of volatile memory meaning the information that is stored is lost if power is removed, those are only some of the main units of computers today even though there are many more parts that make them run the way they do.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Red Dwarf - The Last Star in the Universe

Red Dwarf - The Last Star in the Universe
Image by © NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Creative Commons Attribution - via flickr
One day the last star will die and the Universe will turn dark forever, it will probably be a red dwarf a tiny kind of star that's also one of our best bets to find alien life and might be the last home of humanity before the Universe becomes uninhabitable, so what do we know about them and why are they our last hope?

At least 70% of stars in the Universe are red dwarfs, they are the tiniest stars out there with only about 7 to 50% of the mass of our sun, not that much bigger than our planet Jupiter which is still huge though, they are also very dim, it's impossible to see them with the naked eye, you've never seen one in the night sky, even with all our technology we can only observe red dwarfs in our neighborhood.
Approximately 20 of the 30 stars close to Earth are red dwarfs, like all stars red dwarfs fuse hydrogen into helium but while more massive stars accumulate all the fused helium in their cores red dwarfs stay convective meaning that helium and hydrogen constantly mix so they use up their fuel incredibly slowly before they are extinguished.

Red Dwarfs burn so slowly that their average lifespan is between one and ten trillion years, by comparison the Sun will survive for another five billion years, because the Universe is only 13.75 billion years old not a single red dwarf has reached later development stages, every single one of the trillions that exist is still a baby, speaking of babies the smallest star in the entire Universe is also a red dwarf because small red dwarfs are right on the verge of being a star at all, just a tiny bit less hydrogen and they are mere brown dwarfs failed stars that cannot sustain a fusion reaction for long, so what about aliens or a new home for humanity? Since our sun will die one day, we'll eventually need to look for a new home and where there are habitable planets, there might also be aliens.

Black Holes The Mysterious of Universe

Black Holes The Mysterious of Universe
Image by © Hubble ESA - Creative Commons Attribution - via flickr
Black holes are one of the strangest things on Universe, they don't seem to make any sense at all, where do they come from and what happens if you fall in one?

Stars are incredibly massive collections of mostly hydrogen atoms that collapsed from enormous gas cloud under their own gravity, in their core nuclear fusion crushes hydrogen atoms into helium releasing a tremendous amount of energy, this energy in the form of radiation pushes against gravity maintaining a delicate balance between the two forces.
As long as there is fusion in the core a star remains stable enough, but for stars with way more mass then our own sun the heat and pressure at the core allow them to fuse heavier elements until they reach iron.

Unlike all the elements that went before the fusion process that creates iron doesn't generate any energy, iron builds up at the center of the star until it reaches a critical amount and the balance between radiation and gravity is suddenly broken.
The core collapses within a fraction of a second the star implodes moving at about the quarter of the speed of light feeding even more mass into the core, it's at this very moment that all the heavier elements in the universe are created as the star dies in a supernova explosion, this produces either a neutron star or if the star is massive enough the entire mass of the core collapses into a black hole.
If you looked at a black hole what you would really be seeing is the event horizon, anything that crosses the event horizon needs to be travelling faster than the speed of light to escape in other words it's impossible.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Future Car Technology Mind Blown

Future Car Technology Mind Blown
Imagy by © Werner Bayer - Creative Commons Attribution - via flickr
Auto manufacturers spent fortunes to grab your attention and hold it in and with everything from the powerhouses of the future to the zero-emissions vehicles next generation and some of the wildest thing ever role on four wheels, you're going to travel places you never thought possible as we take you behind the scenes and behind the wheel of the worlds most extraordinary concept cars.

Design, sculpting and art are mixing with the technology in a brand new way, every year auto manufacturers unveiled the latest models of sports cars, sport utility vehicles, hybrids, trucks even motorcycles.
If you travel to an auto show you will see it's like a debutante ball for some of the newest designs and most advanced automotive technology, they are also where car designers revealed to the world, incredible ideas for the future.
Where else can you take a peek at concept dream machines like the super chic mercury messenger for the Chevrolet SS concept that looks like a modern-day hot rod, you might be asking yourself where can you buy one of these tricked-out fantasy cars? The answer, nowhere.

Secrets of Future Technologies That Will Blow Your Mind

Secrets of Future Technologies That Will Blow Your Mind
Image by © European Southern Observatory - Creative Commons Attribution - via flickr
Civilization is built on the human drive to invent, we take the tools from our planet, the materials that give names to the Egypt. Stone, bronze, iron and more, crafting into new forms, expanding our horizons, exploring hidden worlds, and engineering life changing technologies, always pushing the limit to be colder, faster, safer, wilder and now a new era is upon us.

As scientists turn for inspiration to the ultimate inventor and engineer, nature what can we learn from living things. To make our own technology even better how long before they become self-aware and turn on our Lords.

We humans love to invent, we've been doing it for thousand of years, but how many of our inventions really stand the test of time.
Imagine a world filled with only the very best stuff, amazing ideas and astonishing designs each one the result not just in years not a decade but millions of years have researched and tested, in an environment where the competition can be ruthless.
Since life began on Earth, it has been invaded making discoveries in materials and engineering, we have only recently began to appreciate the hard won lessons of life on Earth gained over eons may help solve our very human problems can forms found in nature reshape our machines making them more useful, can we build the agile movements of animals into our robots, have some of the best ideas for new materials already been discovered by nature? What if we could make things like nature does, can we grow the electronics and fuels of tomorrow using the food of life itself DNA, the search for answers to these questions has taken some strange terms.